Emerging Humanities Network: Subnature and Culinary Culture Site

Emerging Humanities Network: Subnature and Culinary Culture Site

This Emerging Humanities Network’s objective is to extend the rich topic of “subnature” from architecture to cuisine, querying how one discipline can inform another, providing a better understanding by studying a problem from a novel perspective. “Subnature” is a word coined by architectural historian David Gissen for aspects of nature that the architectural discipline has traditionally shunned, such as dankness, darkness, mud, weeds, smoke, puddles, dust, debris, crowds, and pigeons. Subnature encapsulates the “problems” architects have attempted to solve, circumvent and avoid in favor of qualities such as light, airiness, cleanliness, and flow. Funded by the Humanities Writ Large Initiative.

For more information, visit: http://humanitieswritlarge.duke.edu/emerging-humanities-networks/subnat…