The Spanish Civil War: History, Literature, and Popular Culture


The Spanish Civil War of 1936-39 through literary and historical readings, art, music, and film. Special attention given to values held by supporters of each side, and how they put them into practice during and after the war. Consideration of international volunteers who fought in Spain for their own deeply-held values. Research paper and presentation required. Taught in Spanish. Not open to students who have taken Spanish 373S, History 273S-1, or Human Rights 373S. Recommended prerequisite: Spanish 331S or higher, or permission of instructor.


Not open to students who have taken Spanish 373S, History 273S-1, or Human Rights 373S

Curriculum Codes
  • EI
  • FL
  • R
  • ALP
  • CZ
Cross-Listed As
  • RIGHTS 431S
Typically Offered