Requirements: 6 courses
At least 3 of the 6 courses must be taught in Portuguese or include a preceptorial (P) component. See Portuguese course listings.
Up to 2 of the following Portuguese language courses may be counted towards the minor:
- PORTUGUE 203 - Intermediate Portuguese
- PORTUGUE 203A - Intensive Brazilian Portuguese
- PORTUGUE 204 - Advanced Intermediate Portuguese
Study Option: Duke-approved courses taught in Portuguese in Study Abroad Programs may also count towards this minor concentration, with approval of the program advisor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Study Abroad
Students are strongly urged to study abroad since this is the best way to achieve language proficiency and to acquire knowledge of a country’s culture. Courses taken abroad count toward the core and/or related courses as follows:
Duke-Administered Summer Programs
• Duke-in-Brazil. Minor: One course may be counted.
Non-Duke-Administered Semester Programs
• Minor: One course per semester may be counted.
Non-Duke-Administered Summer Programs
• Minor: One course may be counted.