Language Studies: French

Duke requires all students to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language at the intermediate or advanced level. Courses suitable for meeting this requirement are designed with an FL (Foreign Language) curriculum code. Depending on your language proficiency, you must complete one of the following:

  • Option One: If you begin language study at Duke in an elementary language course, you must take 3 full courses in that language to meet your FL requirement for graduation, OR
  • Option Two: If you enter language study at Duke at the intermediate level or above, the successful completion of a 300-level FL-designated course will fulfill your requirement.
    • If you place in the first semester of the intermediate level, you will need to take at least 3 full consecutive courses in the same language.
    • If you place into the second semester of the intermediate level, you will need to take at least 2 full consecutive courses in the same language.
    • If you place in a 300-level course, you will only need to take 1 course.

Which courses do I sign up for?

The course description and placement guidelines that follow should help you choose the proper gateway course given your background. If you have a recent (less than 1 year old) AP or IB SL scores, you should use that score as your guide for selecting a course. For help in placement using tests not listed here, test scores more than 1 year old, or for any other questions related to placement, please contact the French Language Program director at Please note that your course instructor will confirm your placement during the drop/add period at the beginning of the semester and, if necessary, will help you select a different class.

If you have this background and/or test score: You should take this course:
Elementary French - 100 level courses
  • You have never studied French.
  • You studied French in elementary or middle school, but not in high school.
  • You have studied French for two years (or less) in high school.

French 101: Elementary French 1 - French 101 introduces the essential elements of the language and aspects of Francophone cultures. Speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and intercultural communication skills receive equal attention via engagement with a variety of authentic materials in a highly interactive setting. Fall and Spring. Conducted in French. Four class meetings a week.

French 111: Intensive Elementary French - French 111 is a 2-credit course that covers two semesters of introductory French (French 101-102) in a single semester. Speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and intercultural communication skills receive equal attention via engagement with a variety of authentic materials and frequent collaborative work in a highly interactive setting. Conducted in French. Five class meetings a week. 

  • You have studied French for two years in a very strong high school program


  • You have studied French for three years in high school. 
  • If you have an IB SL score of 3.**  
  • You have taken French 101 or a college-level equivalent.
French 102: Elementary French 2 - French 102 expands upon the essential elements of the language and aspects of Francophone cultures. Speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and intercultural communication skills receive equal attention via engagement with a variety of authentic materials in a highly interactive setting. Fall and Spring. Conducted in French. Four class meetings a week.
Intermediate French - 200 level courses
  • You have studied French for three years in a very strong high school program


  • You have studied French for four years in high school. 
  • If you have taken any of the following standardized tests, your scores* fall in these ranges: 
    • AP French Language and Culture: 3
    • IB SL: 4**
  • You have taken French 102 or a college-level equivalent.

French 203: Intermediate French Language and Culture. French 203 is the third-semester French course. Continued development of speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and intercultural communication skills and via engagement with authentic materials that explore Francophone cultures. Includes a comprehensive review of essential structures and vocabulary. Fall and Spring. Conducted in French. Three class meetings a week. 

French 212: Intensive Intermediate French Language and Culture / Duke in Aix-en-Provence: Offered only during Summer Session I in Duke in Aix-en-Provence, France. For more information:

  • You have studied French for four years in a strong high school program
  • If you have taken any of the following standardized tests, your scores* fall in these ranges: 
    • AP French Language and Culture: 4
    • IB SL: 5 or 6**
  • You have taken French 203 or a college-level equivalent.
French 204: Advanced Intermediate French Language and Culture. This advanced intermediate French course focuses on developing more sophisticated interpersonal, interpretive, presentational, and intercultural communication skills. As the semester progresses, you will learn skills in interpreting cinematographic and literary works and gain confidence in your French as you review grammar and vocabulary and learn to express yourselves and understand others in increasingly complex and abstract ways. Guided essay writing on topics related to the readings and discussion. Fall and Spring. Three class meetings a week.
Advanced French - 300 level courses
  • You have had a significant amount of French coursework (4+ years in high school) in a very strong program
  • You have studied French for 3 years in high school and have a significant amount of non-academic exposure to French (e.g. French is one of your home languages).
  • If you have taken any of the following standardized tests, your scores* fall in these ranges: 
    • AP French Language and Culture: 5
    • IB SL: 6 or 7**
  • You have taken French 204 or a college-level equivalent. 
  • NOTE: If you are a native speaker of French and have done a significant amount of schooling in a French-speaking environment, you should instead enroll in a course numbered above 330.

French 301: Advanced French Language/Writing Workshop - Development of competence in written expression in French, with special emphasis on stylistic variations, lexical nuances, and complex grammatical structures. Practice of different forms of French rhetoric and different styles in creative, argumentative, and analytical writings through literary, journalistic, historical, and philosophical texts. Revision and rewriting, with focus on in-class analysis and critique and individual conferences.

French 302S: Cultural and Literacy Perspectives - Designed to give students leaving intermediate French the reading and writing skills necessary to enter 300-level courses in French studies. Cultural and literary texts introducing students to contemporary French thought, and to how cultural practices, globalization, and immigration influence the formation of a French identity. Topics include stereotypes, family life, cuisine, youth culture, sports, language, media, and politics. NOTE: French 302S is not open to students who have received a 5 on the AP French Language and Culture exam.

French 303S: French for Current Affairs - Contemporary culture/civilization course on changes/controversies in France today. Sources from French media (press and TV). Current cultural, social, economic, political issues. Includes political institutions, media, religion, immigration, health and educational systems, foreign policy, France in the European Union. Equal emphasis on written/oral skills.

French 304S: French Composition and Translation - Advanced translation and stylistics. Cultural and social difference between French and English patterns in written and oral expression. Extensive practice in translation of different types of texts. Equivalencies between French and English. Recommended prerequisite: French 204 or equivalent.

French 308s: Manger. An exploration of our relationship with food and its cultural and societal roles in French-speaking countries, from French gastronomy to the historical and economic influences that have determined our current systems of food production, what effects those systems have on immigration, equity, and climate, and the movements that seek to bring about changes in the ways people produce and consume food. A strong emphasis on experiential learning, including community engagement in systems of food access and production, as well as work with chefs and the study of French-language narrative, culinary, scholarly, and journalistic writing and other cultural documents. Fall only. Two class meetings a week.

French 321S: Business and Culture in the Francophone World - Analyzes current socio-economic and cross-cultural issues to increase understanding of global marketplace. Focus on oral and written communication, business and economic practices, labor issues, case studies, and product marketing in the Francophone world. 

French 325s: Global Displacement: Voix Francophones. Explores migration and resettlement of Francophone refugees in North America through examination of current policy, law, and practice. Analysis of personal interviews and narratives with attention to ethical questions related to politics of listening to and speaking for other communities. Community-based language component (20 hours) engages students with refugee community in Durham. Conducted in French. Recommended prerequisite: one course at 300-level or equivalent. Fall only. Two class meetings a week.

See the 'Courses' tab near the top of the page for a full listing of French courses beyond those mentioned above.

* These placement guidelines are intended for scores that are less than one academic year old. For placement help with scores that are more than one year old, please contact the French Language Program Director ( 

** For help in determining placement using IB HL scores, please contact the French Language Program Director (

Graphic for French @ Duke
Facebook logo

The French Language Program holds various cultural events during the semester : conversation tables, crêpe parties, cheese tastings, film screenings, dance workshops, pétanque matches, museum visits and more! Subscribe to the listserv to find out about these other French-related events on campus and online. Go to, log in with your NetID, and search for “French@Duke” to subscribe!

Dates, times and locations of these events are also announced on our Facebook page: French@Duke. Like it, follow us, check it out periodically to keep in touch with all our events and shared links, photos, videos and news!


La Table Francaise


La Table Française is a weekly conversation table that takes place every Wednesday from 5-6pm in the Chaplin Family Study Room on the second floor of Brodhead. Look for the French flag! It is open to everyone in the Duke Community who would like to speak French with us. All levels welcome!

Students around a table conversing in french.


French Cultural Events

There are many ways you can take part in cultural activities every semester and come practice your French with us. From learning the art of flipping crêpes, tasting smelly but delicious cheese, watching and discussing French and Francophone films, visiting the Nasher’s French collection, dancing to African rythms, and more ! The best way to be informed on dates, times and locations of these events every semester is by joining the French@Duke listserv. Go to, log in with your NetID, and search for “French@Duke,” then click on “subscribe.” You can also follow us on Facebook: French@DukeAll Duke students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend (even if you are not currently enrolled in a French class at Duke). We look forward to meeting you at our events ! A bientôt !

Questions about cultural events ? Ask your current professor in your French class, or email the cultural advisor for the French Language Program : Prof. Emma Howell at


Crepe Party
Students and profs mingle at our Crêpe party at the Smart Home 
Crepe Cooking
Prof. Germain Choffart with a student, teaching the art of flipping crêpes 
Francophone Africa Dance Workshop
Prof. Ava LaVonne Vinesett of the Dance Program leading the Francophone Africa Dance Workshop
Francophone Africa Dance Workshop
Prof. Laura Florand dancing with students at the Francophone Africa Dance Workshop
Francophone Africa Dance Workshop
Group movement at the Francophone Africa Dance Workshop
French Cheese Party
Discovering new kinds of French cheese at the Cheese Tasting event on the Terrace of the Languages Building
French collection at the Nasher
Ellen Raimond, Assistant Curator of Academic Initiatives, lead students through the French collection of the Nasher
VIP access to collection at the Nasher
VIP access to storage rooms during the Nasher visit of the French collection
French Cooking Event
Bon appétit! Professor Reisinger's French 302 students practice their French and their French cooking for Fête de la gastronomie. 


Students currently enrolled in the French Language Program courses at Duke University have several options for receiving out-of-class assistance. Note, tutoring is available for students who really struggle, NOT for cramming for quizzes or exams. See the schedule below.

  • French students may visit their Instructors during office hours to review material and receive individualized explanations.
  • Instructors may refer a currently enrolled student to the French Language Program tutor, which will allow the students to schedule a weekly appointment. Once referred, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule and keep appointments with the tutor. Appointments usually go between 15-30 minutes. This is a free service paid for by the Office of the Dean of Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. To make an appointment, please contact your professor to be referred and then email the tutor whose hours you would like to attend. The schedule and contact information is attached below.
  • Students who are not having serious problems or just want to practice conversation may also sign up for Peer Tutoring with the Academic Resource Center. This is also a free service. 
  • Students who only want/need to practice their conversation skills can also go to the French tableCheck the French Facebook page for times and location. 

Tutoring Schedule

Both Zoom and in-person appointments are available - please see the tutoring schedule below for available times and formats. 

To schedule a tutoring appointment, first contact your course instructor to discuss a referral. Once you have received a referral from your instructor, please email the tutor whose hours you would like to attend to schedule an appointment (see link below for contact information).

If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, it is your responsibility to contact the tutor ahead of time to cancel and reschedule. Students who fail to show up for their scheduled tutoring appointments without notifying the tutor ahead of time will be unable to reserve tutoring appointments in the future.

Drop-in tutoring may be available, but cannot be guaranteed, as schedule appointments take priority.


Spring 2025 French Tutoring Schedule

9:00-9:30    Christelle Gonthier
9:30-10:00 Natacha Boum-Biyong  Christelle Gonthier
10:00-10:30 Natacha Boum-Biyong Nasanin RosadoChristelle Gonthier
10:30-11:00  Emma HowellNasanin RosadoEmma HowellChristelle Gonthier
11:00-11:30  Emma HowellNasanin RosadoEmma HowellChristelle Gonthier
11:30-12:00   Nasanin RosadoChristelle Gonthier
12:00-12:30 French Help Zoom Room (203, 204, 300’s)  Germain Choffart
12:30-1:00 French Help Zoom Room (203, 204, 300’s)  Germain Choffart
1:00-1:30    Germain Choffart
1:30-2:00    Germain Choffart
2:00-2:30 Natacha Boum-Biyong   
2:30-3:00 Natacha Boum-BiyongEmma Howell   
3:00-3:30 Emma HowellNatacha Boum-Biyong  
3:30-4:00  Natacha Boum-Biyong  
4:00-4:30  Natacha Boum-Biyong  
4:30-5:00French Help Room (101, 102) Natacha Boum-Biyong  
5:00-5:30French Help Room (101, 102)    
Christelle Gonthier (Friday 9:00-12:00)

Tutoring via Zoom

Emma Howell (Tuesday 2:30-3:30, Wednesday + Friday 10:30-11:30)                

Tutoring via Zoom (Tuesday), or hybrid Zoom/in-person (Wed+Fri)  

 Office: 015 Languages / Zoom link:

Natacha Biyong (Tuesday 9:30-10:30, 2:00-3:00, Wednesday 3:00-5:00)

Tutoring via Zoom      

Zoom meeting ID: 212 376 4566

 Office: 015 Languages / Zoom link:

Germain Choffart (Friday 12:00-2:00)

Tutoring via Zoom                                                  

Zoom link:

Nasanin Rosado (Thursday 10:00-12:00)                                                                     

Tutoring via Zoom

Zoom meeting ID:  TBD

Transferring a language course to Duke from another institution - for instance, if you are transferring to Duke from another institution - may involved up to three separate steps:

  1. Obtaining course credit which counts towards fulfilling the 34 courses required for graduation,
  2. Obtaining Mode of Inquiry FL (Foreign Language) coding which counts towards fulfilling your language requirement, and
  3. Determining the next language course you need to take at Duke to fulfill your language requirement (if it is not completed by the transfer course).

NOTE: Obtaining French 100 or French 300 credit toward the 34 courses required for graduation does not automatically mean the course will also receive the Mode of Inquiry FL code. Likewise, obtaining a Mode of Inquiry FL code for a transfer course does not automatically mean that you will be prepared to successfully complete a French course at Duke at a higher level. Please familiarize yourself with the policy regarding transfer credit for Modes of Inquiry here: Please note that courses taken at a domestic institution - for example, taking a French course at a local university over summer break - will not be considered for FL credit.


In order to transfer to Duke and count as one course credit toward your graduation, the first requirement is that the French course must not have fewer contact hours than the equivalent course taught on campus at Duke. A Duke language course contact hour is no less than 50 minutes.

  • Minimum required contact hours:
  • French 101-102: 70 hours
  • French 203+: 45 hours

In addition to fulfilling the contact hour requirement, French courses that are to be transferred for elective credit must meet the following specific minimum requirements:

  • All coursework and class discussion in French - culture or content courses taught in another language will not be considered for transfer credit. 
  • Substantive linguistic and cultural content.
  • Class size must not exceed 20 students.

NOTE: You may not apply for transfer credit for French Language Program courses below your placement level. For example, if you have taken 3 years of high school French, you may not apply to receive transfer credit for a French 101-equivalent course. 

Download the transfer credit form (available here:, read the guidelines, and turn in the completed form and required documentation the Kim Travlos, Program Coordinator in Romance Studies ( 

If approved, the course will be listed on the form as an elective course in French (French 100 for an introductory or intermediate level course; French 300 for an advanced level course). You will then need to provide the completed paperwork to your academic dean. 

For a course that was approved for transfer to Duke by the DUS in Romance Studies and your academic dean with a course number of French 100, the requirement for obtaining a FL code is that the transfer course must be equivalent to the corresponding Duke language course. The requirements for establishing equivalency are given below.

General requirements:

  1. Language Modalities: Speaking, writing, listening, reading, culture.
  2. Teaching Methodology: Communicative, content based approach; language use in context; use of authentic materials; use of audio and video for development of listening comprehension; regular assignments that focus on writing as a process. Cultural component integrated into teaching and assessment practices.
  3. Writing component: Demonstrated completion of both formal (compositions with multiple drafts) and informal (blog posts, written reflections, etc.) writing. Length of compositions for French 101-102 should be 1-2 pages, 3 pages for French 203, and at least 5 pages for French 204. for Spanish 102 is 1 page and 1 page and a half; Spanish 203 and Spanish 204 is 2 pages. 
  4. Evaluation: For French 101-204, students should be evaluated on all language modalities: via quizzes and exams, midterm and final assessments, and oral assessments.
  5. Reading: Students should be exposed to extensive level-appropropriate reading. 
  6. Class size must not exceed 20 students.

Course-specific requirements:

  1. French 101 must cover at least half of traditional university-level elementary textbook, or its equivalent
  2. French 102 must complete the study of a traditional elementary textbook, or its equivalent
  3. French 203 must include a complete review of elementary grammar (everything covered in French 101 and 102), application of reading strategies to progressively longer authentic texts, and regular speaking practice. 
  4. French 204 must include a complete review of basic intermediate level grammar, discussion of a diversity of literary texts and other media (film, news, short essays, cartoons, etc.). Reading assignments must include at least one novel-length work not adapted for classroom use.
  5. French 300-level must include advanced-level coursework consisting of extensive reading, writing of longer papers involving multiple revisions, and extensive discussion and presentational components. 

If you do not receive FL coding for your transfer course, or if your FL-coded transfer course is not the final course in your FL sequence, please contact the Director of the French Language Program ( to schedule a placement interview to determine the appropriate course for you to continue your French studies at Duke. 

For a detailed presentation of the transfer application process and more information about the paperwork and documentation required, please see:


Duke Global Education Office

Several programs offered through the Duke University Global Education Office for Undergraduates are jointly administered by the Department of Romance Studies, have faculty and staff participants in the programs, or involve a substantial Spanish language component. Please see the Global Education links below for the following programs:

There are also many other global education programs available that are administered by other organizations. See the Global Education Office website.

Art project class
Art project with Latino elementary students

Within the language programs in Romance Studies there are multiple opportunities for engagement in the community, the best venue for acquiring real-world linguistic and cultural knowledge. Student interaction with language communities provides occasions for developing civic engagement, cultural competence, political activism, and awareness of issues of social justice.

"Through my service experience, I have seen evidence of the themes that we have discussed in class and for me, it was a pretty heavy experience to see the topics from our readings and conversations in class occurring so close by in real life." (Spanish 307S)

small kids with student
Childcare during adult English class

Currently there are service-learning courses offered in French and Spanish. These courses require a commitment of 15-20 hours of service in the community in addition to traditional class contact hours.

“I’ve become very close with the family that I was assigned,” said Madeline Thornton, a junior majoring in French and global health. “Since I’m in the area this summer, I’ve been stopping by their home to read books with the children in order to keep up their English skills while they’re out of school. I’m grateful for Dr. Reisinger and the service learning program for connecting me with some life-long friends.” (French 270T)

four refugees
Refugees getting to know campus

Duke students interact with the community in many ways, such as getting to know community members during class visits and departmental events, visiting businesses in Durham, participating in international video conversations, and working alongside community members in service-learning courses. Some examples of service projects are working with refugees from Central Africa, organizing art activities for Latino/a elementary school students, and tutoring Latino/a adults in English.

"This course has been one of the most rewarding courses I have taken at Duke. I absolutely loved the component of interacting via Skype or meetings with different health organizations in Latin America. It was inspiring to talk to leaders who are actively working in an area many of us aspire to work in. A lot of time our goals feel like unattainable dreams but this course made them seem really real." (Spanish 306) 

students at potluck dinner
A potluck dinner between the English students and tutors

"Learning about [my partner's] personal experience has provided me with a more complete understanding of the roadblocks, whether fiscal, social, logistical or otherwise, to adapting to life in America as a refugee," said James Johnson, a senior majoring in biology with minors in chemistry and French." (French 325S)

See how Duke language programs participate in the Community-Based Language Initiative here

The Department of French and Francophone Studies at DUKE opened a DELF Testing Center in 2023. It gives French students the opportunity to certify their language proficiency level.

What is the DELF?

DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) are official qualifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside France in the French language.

These certificates are valid for life. DELF and DALF consist of six independent certificates that correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Why take the exam ?

  • DELF is an official, internationally-recognized credential, calibrated with the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • This diploma is recognised worldwide and is valid for life. The DELF is also required for immigration purposes in various French-speaking countries such as Canada, France, or Belgium.
  • Depending on the level, the DELF can enhance a CV and make it easier to get a job in a company where the language spoken is French. For students considering graduate or professional studies, a DELF diploma can also enhance your application. 
  • The DELF B1 is one requirement to obtain French nationality. The DELF B2, and increasingly the DALF C1, allow entry into French, European or Francophone universities, and into certain grandes écoles.



The DELF exams have four components: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening and reading sections are multiple-choice, while the writing and speaking sections are evaluated by trained examiners. The listening section measures your ability to understand spoken French.


                                                                                      DELF B2 = Independent user 2

                                                                        DELF B1 = Independent user 1

                                  DELF A2 = Basic user 2

                    DELF A1 = Basic user 1


To help you choose your DELF proficiency test registration level ( A2, B1 or B2), you may contact your current French instructor, consult the DELF Resources below, and/or contact the director of the DELF testing center at Duke (Mme Provot at

Below are important deadlines to keep in mind for registration:

DELF EXAM @ Duke ( A2/B1 and B2) Spring Session : April 2025

Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis.

To register for the DELF exam in APRIL, please do so between February 17 and March 28th 2025.
Inscriptions ouvertes du 17 février 2025- 28 mars 2025.
Attention: Une séance pour l'examen du B2 sera ouverte en octobre 2025. TBA

Please contact Mme Karine Provot ( for more information on how to register.

For more information regarding the cost, and how to formally register, please visit the “DELF Registration” section.


FAQ Section


Yes, you certainly can. But it is always good to talk with your French instructor as they will be able to recommend the most appropriate level. 


There are many free resources available online, from YouTube videos that explain each component of the exam to practice tests. In mid-spring, we will also be offering mock DELF exam sessions where interested students can complete portions of the DELF exam and receive mock scores.


Yes, and we encourage you to do so if seats are available. However, seats are limited and the registration is organized on a first come, first served basis.


You can pay by check only. We have limited resources and seats are therefore limited, but we will do our best to accommodate the demand.


Yes, you can. Please contact Mme Karine Provot for more information on how to proceed.


No, A DELF exam is not required. If you plan to study longer, or work or do an internship, it might be required. It's definitely an asset to have it. 


Unfortunately, not. We currently offer the DELF exam, A2, B1 and B2. We hope to offer the DALF exam ( C1 and C2) in the future. Stay tuned. 


The main difference between a DELF and DALF is that the DALF is a more advanced diploma than the DELF. Both DELF and DALF are divided into different levels that correspond with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The DELF is the French Language Studies Diploma for beginner to intermediate levels: A1, A2, B1 and B2. The DALF is an Advanced Diploma in French Language for more advanced levels: C1 and C2.



50 out of 100 points. You must obtain a mark of at least 50 out of 100 points to pass the DELF – this is known as the “pass mark” (“seuil de réussite”). Note, however, that if you score less than 5 out of 25 in any one of the four skill sections, you will not pass!


Registration is final. No refunds will be issued.

Payments will be accepted by check only.

Please contact Mme Karine Provot ( for more registration and payment. 

Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis.



DELF pricing and exam info for DUKE STUDENT candidates

Tarifs RÉDUITS pour les étudiant.e.s de Duke / Discount Price for Duke students:

    A2 $58
    B1 $62
    B2 $76

  Tarifs For non-Duke Students:

  Tarifs  NORMAUX :


      A2 $145
      B1 $155
      B2 $190



DELF exam dates, April 7, 8, and 9 of 2025. To register for the DELF exam in APRIL, please do so between February 17 and March 28th 2025.
Spring Session
A2: Collective Written exam --> April 7th /   Individual Oral Exam --> TBD ( April 7th- 20th)
B1: Collective Written exam --> April 8th /    Individual Oral Exam --> TBD ( April 8th- 20th)
B2: Collective Written exam --> April 9th /    Individual Oral Exam --> TBD ( April 9th- 20th)
To register for the DELF exam in APRIL, please do so between February 17 and March 28th 2025.
Inscriptions ouvertes du 17 février 2025- 28 mars 2025.
Attention: Une séance pour l'examen du B2 sera ouverte en octobre 2025. TBA


  • France Education International (FEI). On this website you can: 
    • See actual exams and their corrections (A1, A2, B1, B2).
    • Read the candidate manual to help you prepare for the exam (exam format, skills listed by levels, and many tips).
    • Watch their YouTube channel on which you can see the DELF oral exam and see how they are graded.
  • A useful web application, developed by Data Science Fellow Nuj Naguleswaran, at Brown  to help you understand the language skills you need to master (Can-Do statements) at each level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL), on which DELF exams are based. 
  • The website “RFI savoirs” (Radio France Internationale: international radio news network) offers training for listening comprehension tests, you can access it here.
  • Free access to this site from the HACHETTE FLE  publishing house with lots of online resources to practice all levels of the DELF exam.