Dissertation Titles

NameDefense DateDissertation/ Prospectus TitleDirector
Rosado, NasaninIn Progress"Monstrous Mothers: The Womb as Grammar in the Francophone black Atlantic"Annette Joseph-Gabriel, Felwine Sarr
Miled, SamarIn Progress"The Representation of Resistance and Revolution in Tunisian Literature and Arts"Felwine Sarr
Erickson-Kery, Ian11/18/2024"Contested Territories: The Aesthetics and Politics of Urban Design in Mexico and Brazil, 1963-88"Esther Gabara
Starace, Lorenza5/30/2024"Gender, Genre, and the Novel"Roberto Dainotto, Anne Garreta
Vargas, Laura4/3/2024"Toxic Narratives: The Role of Poisoning in Contemporary Caribbean Novels"Annette Joseph-Gabriel, Richard Rosa
Rispoli, Tania4/2/2024"The Politics of Care: Feminist Infrastructures of Love and Labor"Michael Hardt, Roberto Dainotto
Lopez-Madrigal, Ofelia4/1/2024"After the Skin: Representations of Black Womanhood in Cuban Literature (1882-1976)"Lamonte Aidoo
Incoronato, Ciro3/26/2024"The Biopower of the Oldest Mafia: Economics, Biopolitics, and Ecology in the Mediterranean Society"Michael Hardt, Roberto Dainotto
Bradley, Isabel7/17/2023“Mapping Manioc: Grounded Relations in the Caribbean”Laurent Dubois, Deborah Jenson
Carnemolla, Cristina4/3/2023"From the "Southern Question" to the "Southern Thought": South as a Method"Roberto Dainotto, Walter Mignolo
Chanod, Camille3/31/2023"The Sound and the Flurry of 1970s French and Italian Cinema"Anne Garreta, Roberto Dainotto
Romera-Figueroa, Elia3/24/2023"Gendering Anti-Francoism: Cantautoras in Spain (1952-1986)"Stephanie Sieburth, Jose María Rodríguez-García
Simoes Nogueira, Marcelo9/30/2022"Sound Matters in Poetry, Music, and Arts Under Dictatorship in Brazil"Esther Gabara
Valderrama Negron, Ninel3/30/2022"Governing Infrastructures: Crafting Loyalty While Engendering Dissent in the Spanish Transpacific Empire"Esther Gabara
Enloe, Caroline Joy (C.J.)3/18/2022"Molding “Economic Woman”: Conflicting Portrayals of Women’s Economic Roles in Magazines Published During the Franco Dictatorship"Stephanie Sieburth
Mulligan, Joseph3/16/2022"Poetics of Revelation: Communities of the Literary Oracular in Transatlantic Modernism"José María Rodríguez García
Tybinko, Anna Catherine3/30/2021"Urban Borderlands: African Writers in Precarious Spain, 1985-2008"Lamonte Aidoo, Stephanie Sieburth
Nunn, Tessa Ashlin3/15/2021"Writing Women Dance"Toril Moi
Maxymuk, Kathleen Kelsey3/3/2021"Resonant Wandering Forms: Tracing the Trajectories of the Cinemas of Jean-Luc Godard, Éric Rohmer and Jacques Rivette"Anne-Gaëlle Saliot
Dulceany, Roger David (David)6/30/2020"Caribbean Iconographies of Cultural Nationalism: Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico"Richard Rosa
Screpanti, Filippo Cornelio Frances (C. F.)6/2/2020"The representation of Barbary corso in the French and Italian early modern literature"Michele Longino
Granacki, Alyssa Madeline3/31/2020"Boccaccio's Women Philosophers: Defining Philosophy, Debating Gender in the Decameron and Beyond"Martin Eisner
Sánchez-Rodríguez, Nicolás3/30/2020"The Minted-City: Money, Value, and Crises of Representation in Nineteenth-Century Colombia (1822-1903)"Richard Rosa
Whitehouse Gordillo, Matthew Steven3/25/2020"Fictional Timing: Neoliberalism and Time in the Contemporary Latin American Novel"Richard Rosa
Iber, Laurel Marie3/24/2020"Troubles in Representation: (Con)figuring Non-Binary Sex in Nineteenth-Century French Literature, Art, and Medicine"David Bell, Anne-Gaëlle Saliot
Blaise, Sandie5/9/2019"Transnational Trickster: Publishing, Representing, and Marketing Dany Laferrière"Laurent Dubois
Bianchi, Pietro4/1/2019"The Restlessness of the Imaginary"David Bell, Fredric Jameson
Serrano, Silvia 3/22/2019"Intermedial Sutatenza: Media[ted] Narratives of Community Making in Rural Colombia"Richard Rosa
Di Lorenzo, Fiammetta3/21/2019"Subaltern Readers in Nineteenth-Century French and Italian Novels"Robero Dainotto, Anne Garreta
Castaldo, Achille3/19/2019"Narrative experience and social conflict. Italy, France, 1943-1977"Roberto Dainotto; Chair, Anne-Gaëlle Saliot; Co-chair
Stempniak, Katarzyna  (Kasia)3/18/2019"Outfitting Paris: Fashion, Space, and the Body in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture"Deborah Jenson; Chair & Danid Bell; Co-Chair
Ricco, Giulia3/1/2019"Fascist Fiction: Inventing the Lesser Evil in Italy and Brazil"Lamonte Aidoo, Robero Dainotto
Marini, Maria Candela5/14/2018"War, Photography, and Visual Citizens: Territorial and Visual Expansion in the Construction of Chile and Argentina (1860s-1880s)"Esther Gabara, Richard Rosa
Ugarte Fernández, Ana Irene5/9/2018"Island Laboratories: Literary Monsters, Diseases, and Pharmacopeias in the Hispanic Caribbean”Richard Rosa
Banella, Laura3/28/2018"Rewriting Dante: the Creation of an Author from the Middle Ages to Modernity"Martin Eisner
Reist, Stephanie V3/23/2018“'Christ the Redeemer Turns His Back on Us:' Black Urban Struggle in Rio's Baixada Fluminense"Walter Mignolo
Rodriguez-Villar, Alejandra6/19/2017"Memory, Will and Understanding in El veneno y la triaca by Calderón de la Barca: A Cognitive Approach"Margaret Greer, Deborah Jenson
Dandridge, Eliza6/15/2017"Cowboys and Indians in Africa: The Far West, French Algeria, and the Comics Western in France"Laurent Dubois
Suhey, Amanda11/15/2016"Documenting Chile: Visualizing Identity and the National Body from Dictatorship to Post-Dictatorship"Esther Gabara
Patterson, Reginald D.7/28/2016"Commandeering the Bamboo Canon: A 19th Century Confederacy of Creole Fables in Flight"Laurent Dubois, Michaeline Crichlow
Prigiotti, Giuseppe10/28/2015"Judaism and Catholicism in Italy during the Belle Époque:
A Comparative Approach"
Roberto Dainotto
Cangiano, Domenico10/16/2015"Wanderers in Contradiction. The Italian Road to Modernism (1903-1922)"Roberto Dainotto
Daniel Astorga Poblete4/29/2015"La Colonización del Tlacahuitl: La invención del espacio en México (XVI-XVII)"Walter Mignolo
Jeannette Acevedo-Rivera7/28/2014"Would You Write Something in my Album?" Social Customs and their Literary Depiction in Nineteenth-Century France and Spain"David Bell, Stephanie Sieburth
Repinecz, Martin6/7/2013"Southern Europe Unraveled: Migrant Resistance and Rewriting in Spain and Italy"
Roberto Dainotto
Colon, Eglantine5/6/2013"Récits des bords des villes. Renouveaux esthétiques dans la littérature et le cinéma français contemporains"David Bell
O'Halley, Meaghan4/9/2013"Placing Islam: Alternative Visions of the Morisco Expulsion and Spanish-Muslim-Christian Relations in the Sixteenth Century”Margaret Greer
Castroverde, Aaron4/5/2013"Jose Rizal and the Spanish Novel"Walter Mignolo, Stephanie Sieburth
Dieudé, Aude4/2/2013"Toussaint Louverture and Haiti’s History as Muse: Legacies of Colonial and Post-Colonial Resistance in Francophone African and Caribbean Corpus"Deborah Jenson, Achille Mbembe
Heitzman, Brenna4/1/2013"Motherhood and the Eighteenth Century Novel: Transformations and Transgressions in the Works of Sophie Cottin"Philip Stewart
Reinaga, Lucia3/29/2013“Caja negra y Por favor, rebobinar: cine de culto, blockbusters, rock, pop, e intervenciones sobre el campo cultural”Richard Rosa
Gloag, Oliver4/13/2012"Représentations coloniales de Lahontan à Camus"Fredric Jameson
Wu, Joyce4/10/2012“Baudelaire's Responses to Death: (In)articulation, Mourning and Suicide”Deborah Jenson
Chirila, Ileana Daniela4/6/2012"La République réinventée. Littératures transculturelles dans la France contemporaine. In English: Re-Inventing the Republic. Transcultural Literatures in Contemporary France"Deborah Jenson
Mahon, Margaret4/6/2012“Questioning the Writing Cure: Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa Trauma Fiction”Laurent Dubois
Doriott Anderson, Vanessa3/26/2012"Subjects of History: Identity and Memory in the First Person Narratives of Patrick Modiano, Assia Djebar, and Hervé Guibert"Alice Kaplan
Bacarreza, Leonardo3/14/2012"Food, Eating, and the Anxiety of Belonging in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Literature and Art"Margaret Greer
Ozierski, Margaret12/14/2011"Beautiful Annoyance: Reading the Subject"Michael Hardt
Nicholson, Brantley9/9/2011"A Poetics of Globalism: Fernando Vallejo, the Contemporary Colombian Urban Novel, and the Generation of '72"Ariel Dorfman, Walter Mignolo
Gleisner, Nichole8/19/2011"Toward a Poetics of Witness: Apollinaire, Cendrars and the French Soldier-Poets of the First World War"Alice Kaplan
Curtis, Lesley5/6/2011“Utopian (post)colonies: Rewriting race and gender after the Haitian Revolution”Deborah Jenson
King-Scheu, Ashley4/5/2011“What Can Philosophical Literature Do?  The Contribution of Simone de Beauvoir”Toril Moi
O'Neil-Henry, Anne Therese3/31/2011"Parisian Social Studies: Positivism and the Novels of Balzac, Paul de Kock and Zola"David Bell
Mallory, Heather Alison3/1/2011"Plating the Revolution: Expressions of National Anxieties and Aspirations in French Culinary Discourse 1969 - 1996"Michael Hardt, Linda Orr
Rodriguez-Balanta, Beatriz Eugenia9/24/2010"Realism, Race and Citizenship: Four Moments in the Making of the Black Body, Colombia and Brazil, 1853 -1907"Esther Gabara
Erwin, Zachary9/10/2010"Uneven Modernities, Uneven Masculinities: Manliness and the Galician Hinterland in the Novels of Emilia Pardo Bazán (1882-1896)"Stephanie Sieburth
Barros, Joanna Maria5/17/2010“Re-membering Identities: Terror, Exile and Rebirth in Hispanic Film and Literature”Francisco-J. Hernández Adrián
Cobian, Laura4/6/2010“Transcending Borders: The Transnational Construction of Mexicanness, 1920-1935”Esther Gabara
Fernandez Osco, Marcelo12/8/2009"El Ayllu y La reconstitucion Del Pensamiento Aymara"Walter Mignolo
Ingram, Rebecca12/7/2009"Spain on the Table: Cookbooks, Women, and Moderinzation, 1905-1933"Stephanie Sieburth
Menendez-Conde, Ernesto11/17/2009"Arte abstracto e indeologias esteticas en Cuba"Fredric Jameson
Amin, Kadji10/30/2009“Agencies of Abjection: Jean Genet and Subaltern Socialities”Marc Schachter, Michele Longino
Lopez-Martin, Francisco Javier5/5/2009“Representaciones temporales en la construcción del espacio y el sujeto atlántico en el siglo XVII”Margaret Greer
Kushner, Scott4/10/2009"Transnational Blogospheres: Virtual Politics, Death, and Lurking in France and the U.S."Linda Orr
Serwer Secrist, Karen1/16/2009"Construyendo nuestro pedacito de patria: Space and    Dis(place)ment in Puerto Rican Chicago"Antonio Viego
True, Micah1/15/2009"Writing Amerindian Culture: Ethnography in the Seventeenth Century Jesuit Relations from New France"Michele Longino
Junguito Pope, Andrea12/2/2008“Genealogía de imaginarios geográficos Colombianos: Representaciones culturales, espacio, estado y desplazamiento en el proceso de (des)integración nacional (1850-2008)”Gabriela Nouzeilles, Walter Mignolo
LaMarca, Mary Ann12/2/2008"The Theater of Sartre and Giraudoux:  Guilt and the War Within"Alice Kaplan
Cabezas, Oscar8/8/2008“Soberanía y Subalternidad: El agotamiento de la Izquierda”Teresa Vilaros
Pouzet, Virginie4/14/2008"L'impressionisme litteraire: capture d'un insaisissable"David Bell
Sadek, Isis4/14/2008"Tierras, regiones y zonas: poéticas y políticas de espacios no-urbanos en los sesenta en Brasil y Argentina"Gabriela Nouzeilles
Canteli Vigon, Marcos4/7/2008"Transitar el Parpadeo: Seis Poetas Españoles"Ariel Dorfman
Dupont, Nathalie12/6/2007“Poèmes délirants, sujets disloqués: Déviance, négativité et réflexivité dans l'écriture contemporaine française”Toril Moi
Garcia Soormally, Mina9/20/2007"Idolatry and the Construction of the Spanish Empire"Margaret Greer
Saenz de Vigera, Luis8/8/2007"Dena Ongi Dabil! Todo Va Dabuten!: Tensión Y Heterogeneidad de la Cultura Radical Vasca en el Límite del Estado Democrático (1978-...)"Teresa Vilaros
Illas, Edgar5/23/2007"The Euphoric Politics of Postmodern Barcelona"Teresa Vilaros
Krauel, Javier7/7/2006"Spiritual Bonds and the Singularity of Literature: Foundations, Language, and Intellectuals in Spain, 1892-1945"Alberto Moreiras
Hernandez-Salvan, Marta 7/6/2006"Tiempo Muerto: Poéticas del Trauma en la Postrevolución Cubana"Alberto Moreiras