Select from the following menus to filter the table. Course Type - Any -DiscussionField StudiesIndependent StudyLaboratoryLecturePreceptorialSeminarTutorial Typically Offered - Any -Fall and/or SpringFall OnlyOccasionallySpring Only Apply Number Title Codes ROMST 89S First Year Seminar in Romance Studies ROMST 165FS Virtual Realities: Collective Dreams from Plato to Cyberspace ROMST 167CNS Unruly Bodies: Narratives of Dissent ROMST 190A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 190FS Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 190S Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 201 What Is Europe? CCI, R, ALP, CZ ROMST 202 Imagining Europe: Arts, Culture, Politics CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 202P Imagining Europe: Arts, Culture, Politics Preceptorial ROMST 203L Dinámicas Multilingües / Dynamiques Multilingues ROMST 204FS Clash of Civilizations: In the Heart of Europe ALP, CZ ROMST 205 The Problem of Love in Western Literature CCI, R, ALP, CZ ROMST 205P The Problem of Love in Western Literature - Preceptorial ROMST 205S The Problem of Love in Western Literature CCI, R, ALP, CZ ROMST 206 Modern European Short Fiction CCI, EI, ALP, CZ ROMST 206P Modern European Short Fiction Preceptorial ROMST 208FS Gendering the Renaissance CCI, EI, CZ ROMST 217FS Language, Thought, and Culture CCI, CZ, SS ROMST 226S Performing African Diaspora CCI, W, ALP ROMST 233S Performing Brazil CCI, ALP ROMST 235SL Capoeira: Practice and Culture CCI, W, ALP, SS ROMST 256 Italian Baroque Art CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 258S Women and Power in the Renaissance EI, W, CZ ROMST 266 Virtual Realities: Collective Dreams from Plato to Cyberspace CCI, EI, STS, ALP ROMST 266S Virtual Realities: Collective Dreams from Plato to Cyberspace CCI, STS, ALP, CZ ROMST 282S Modernism and the Arts CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 290 Special Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 290A Duke Administered Study Abroad: Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 290S Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 291-1 Independent Study ROMST 307S Thinking Latin American and The Caribbean ROMST 311 The Americas and Europe in the Age of Revolutions, c. 1760s–1840s CCI, W, CZ ROMST 314 Introduction to Critical Theory CCI, EI, CZ ROMST 317 The Body in Art in Early Modern Europe: Power and Limits of Corporeal Representations CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 319S Andalusia: Muslim, Jewish, Christian Spain CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 322 Sample & Remix: Contemporary Cultural Production Across Arts & Media CCI, R, STS, ALP, CZ ROMST 324 History of Mexico CCI, CZ ROMST 327S Romance Studies Literature and Culture CCI, ALP ROMST 327SP Romance Studies Literature and Culture Preceptorial ROMST 330S Undocumented America in Literature CCI, ALP ROMST 336S Don Quixote for Beginners EI, ALP, CZ ROMST 337 America from Abroad: Literature and Cinema CCI, EI, W, ALP ROMST 337P America from Abroad: Literature and Cinema Preceptorial ROMST 338S Brazil and Lusophone Africa CCI, CZ ROMST 338SP Brazil and Lusophone Africa Preceptorial ROMST 339S Brazil, Race, Sex, and the Body CCI, CZ ROMST 341S Perspectives on the Amazon CCI, CZ ROMST 341SP Perspectives on the Amazon Preceptorial ROMST 343S The Acoustic Image in the Renaissance CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 350 Brains, Everywhere CCI, EI, CZ ROMST 350S Brains, Everywhere CCI, EI, CZ ROMST 365S Latino/a Popular Culture CCI, ALP ROMST 366S Picaras and Outlaws: Global South Feminisms CCI, ALP ROMST 366SP Picaras and Outlaws: Global South Feminism Preceptorial ROMST 377S Language & Identity: How We Construct Identities and Reproduce Social Hierarchies Through Language R, SS ROMST 378S Svevo and World Literature CCI, ALP ROMST 380 France and Africa: The Politics and Culture of (Post-)Coloniality CCI, CZ ROMST 380P France and Africa: The Politics and Culture of (Post-)Coloniality Preceptorial ROMST 381S Mapping Jewish Modernism CCI, R, ALP ROMST 382 Race, Class, and Family in Contemporary Literature: Journeys, Generations, and Translations CCI, EI, ALP ROMST 388S Food, Culture, and Society CCI, EI, CZ, SS ROMST 389S Linguistic Human Rights in the Americas CCI, EI, SS ROMST 390 Special Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 390S Special Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 390SP Romance Studies Topics Preceptorial ROMST 391 Independent Study ROMST 393 Research Independent Study R ROMST 396S East-West Cinema ROMST 405S Quechua and the Andean Environment ROMST 410D Black (In) Translation CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 412S Afro-Latin America CCI, CZ ROMST 430 Music History and Politics in Contemporary Africa CCI, CZ, SS ROMST 430P Music History and Politics in Contemporary Africa Preceptorial ROMST 435S Francophone Oceania: Beyond the Postcard Paradise ROMST 450 Second Language Acquisition and Research R, NS, SS ROMST 451S Theories and Techniques of Teaching Foreign Languages CCI, SS ROMST 480S Applied Latin American Studies: Cultivating Impactful Futures CCI, CZ ROMST 488S How to do Research Like an Artist: Contemporary Methods, Theories, and Practice CCI, R, ALP ROMST 489S Screening Europe CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 489SP Screening Europe Preceptorial ROMST 490 Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 490S Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 490SP Preceptorial in Romance Studies ROMST 493 Research Independent Study R ROMST 495 Honors Thesis R ROMST 501S Methods and Theories of Romance Studies CCI, R, ALP ROMST 504S When Fiction Meets History CCI, FL, R, ALP ROMST 505S Visual Studies from the Global South CCI, R, ALP, CZ ROMST 510S Feeling and Protest ROMST 521S Anthropology and History SS ROMST 522S Africa, Cuba, Brazil: Great Powers of the Black Atlantic CCI, CZ, SS ROMST 525S Global South Feminisms CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 526S Columbus: A Global History CCI, R, W, CZ ROMST 531S Premodern Times: A User's Manual CCI, ALP ROMST 532S Comparative Modernisms CCI, R, ALP ROMST 532SP Comparative Modernisms Preceptorial ROMST 540S Memory and Documentary Cinema in Latin America CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 540SP Memory and Documentary Cinema in Latin America Preceptorial ROMST 545S Epic and Exile: Classical Themes, Renaissance Variations CCI, ALP ROMST 565S Global Critical Race Theory and History: Brazil and the USA CCI, R, W, CZ, SS ROMST 570S Philosophy in Motion: Corporeality, Gesture, and Movement in Modern Thought CCI, R, W, ALP ROMST 576S Theory & Aesthetics: Roland Barthes R, W, ALP ROMST 577S Edward Said: Theory, Politics, Culture CCI, ALP ROMST 580S Sylvia Wynter and the Question of Caribbean Philosophy CCI, ALP, CZ ROMST 590 Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 590S Seminar in Romance Studies ROMST 590SP Special Topics in Romance Studies - Preceptorial ROMST 591 Independent Study ROMST 612S Theories of the Image: The Image in Walter Benjamin ALP ROMST 618S Theories of the Visual CCI, ALP ROMST 690 Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 690S Seminar in Romance Studies: Special Topics ROMST 700S Theories and Techniques of Teaching Foreign Languages ROMST 705S How to do Research Like an Artist: Contemporary Methods, Theories, and Practice ROMST 711S Mapping Jewish Modernism ROMST 712 Race, Class, and Family in Contemporary Literature: Journeys, Generations, and Translations ROMST 713S Svevo and World Literature ROMST 715 Cultural Memory ROMST 750S Gender and Aesthetic Theory ROMST 755S Dissertation and Career Prep for 5th and 6th year Graduate Students ROMST 760S The Concept of the Symbol ROMST 790S Topics in Romance Studies ROMST 791 Independent Study ROMST 826S Contemporary Genre Fiction: The Global Novel ROMST 827S The Global Novel: Post, What? ROMST 850S Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy