Italian Studies Courses

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Number Title Codes
ITALIAN 89S First Year Seminar in Italian
ITALIAN 101 Elementary Italian 1 FL
ITALIAN 101A Italian for Beginners FL
ITALIAN 102 Elementary Italian 2 FL
ITALIAN 102A Italian for Foreigners Intermediate FL
ITALIAN 111 Intensive Elementary Italian
ITALIAN 112 Accelerated Elementary Italian FL
ITALIAN 190FS Focus Topics in Italian Literature and Culture
ITALIAN 190S Topics in Italian
ITALIAN 203 Intermediate Italian FL, CZ
ITALIAN 203A Italian for Foreigners Upper Intermediate FL
ITALIAN 208FS Gendering the Renaissance CCI, EI, CZ
ITALIAN 213A Accelerated Intermediate Italian FL, CZ
ITALIAN 225 The Problem of Love in Western Literature CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 225P The Problem of Love in Western Literature - Preceptorial
ITALIAN 225S The Problem of Love in Western Literature CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 235T-3 Voices in Music: Italian
ITALIAN 256 Italian Baroque Art CCI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 261 Michelangelo CCI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 273T-4 Voices in Marketing: Advertising in Italian
ITALIAN 281 Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 281P Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise: Preceptorial
ITALIAN 290A-1 Special Topics in Italian Language, Literature, or Culture
ITALIAN 301S Introduction to Italian Studies: Language, Literature, Film CCI, FL, W, ALP
ITALIAN 302S Italian Conversations: Explore Italy and Italians through Media, Film, Literature CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 303S Italian Sociolinguistics CCI, FL, CZ, SS
ITALIAN 305S Italy in the Age of Fake News: Media, Populism and Disinformation in global Perspective CCI, STS, SS
ITALIAN 327S Introduction to Italian Culture CCI, FL, ALP
ITALIAN 328S Italian Studies Seminar CCI, ALP
ITALIAN 330 Global Italy ALP
ITALIAN 334S Text and Image in the Italian Tradition CCI, FL, ALP
ITALIAN 335 Major Italian Authors CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 336 Modern European Short Fiction CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 336P Modern European Short Fiction Preceptorial
ITALIAN 337 America from Abroad: Literature and Cinema CCI, EI, W, ALP
ITALIAN 337P America from Abroad: Literature and Cinema Preceptorial
ITALIAN 338S Boccaccio's Decameron CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 338SP Boccaccio's Decameron - Preceptorial
ITALIAN 340SA Performing Italy CCI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 342A Dante and the Art of Hell R, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 343S The Acoustic Image in the Renaissance CCI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 349S Renaissance Architecture in Italy: Brunelleschi to Michelangelo ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 350S Italian Migration Stories CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 370T Italian Tutorial
ITALIAN 377S Language & Identity: How We Construct Identities and Reproduce Social Hierarchies Through Language R, SS
ITALIAN 378S Svevo and World Literature CCI, ALP
ITALIAN 380 Italian Cinema CCI, ALP
ITALIAN 381S Mapping Jewish Modernism CCI, R, ALP
ITALIAN 382 Race, Class, and Family in Contemporary Literature: Journeys, Generations, and Translations CCI, EI, ALP
ITALIAN 383S Jewish Italy and its Literatures: The Most Ancient Minority CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 383SA Jewish Italy and its Literatures: The Most Ancient Minority R, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 384 Avant-Garde Art 1900-1945 CCI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 385 Mafia at the Movies CCI, ALP
ITALIAN 386 Art in Renaissance Italy CCI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 386FS Art in Renaissance Italy CCI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 388S Food, Culture, and Society CCI, EI, CZ, SS
ITALIAN 390 Topics in Italian Civilization
ITALIAN 390A Topics in Italian Literature and Culture FL
ITALIAN 390A-1 Special Topics in Italian Language, Literature or Culture
ITALIAN 390P Topics in Italian Civilization: Preceptorial
ITALIAN 390S Special Topics in Italian Studies
ITALIAN 390SA Topics in Italian Studies
ITALIAN 390SP Topics in Italian Studies: Preceptorial
ITALIAN 393 Research Independent Study R
ITALIAN 394 Research Independent Study R
ITALIAN 483 What Machiavelli Really Says EI, R, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 490S Advanced Topics in Italian Literature and Culture
ITALIAN 490SP Topics in Modern Literature and Culture, Preceptorial
ITALIAN 493 Research Independent Study R
ITALIAN 494 Research Independent Study R
ITALIAN 495 Honors Thesis R
ITALIAN 532S Comparative Modernisms CCI, R, ALP
ITALIAN 532SP Comparative Modernisms Preceptorial
ITALIAN 545S Epic and Exile: Classical Themes, Renaissance Variations CCI, ALP
ITALIAN 582 Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ITALIAN 582P Dante's Divine Comedy - Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise: Preceptorial
ITALIAN 584S Boccaccio Studies CCI, R, ALP
ITALIAN 588S Antonio Gramsci and the Marxist Legacy CCI, CZ, SS
ITALIAN 590 Topics in Italian Studies
ITALIAN 590S Topics in Italian Studies
ITALIAN 590S-1 Topics in Renaissance Studies
ITALIAN 590SP Topics in Italian Studies - Preceptorial
ITALIAN 590SP-1 Renaissance Studies: Preceptorial
ITALIAN 711S Mapping Jewish Modernism
ITALIAN 712 Race, Class, and Family in Contemporary Literature: Journeys, Generations, and Translations
ITALIAN 713S Svevo and World Literature
ITALIAN 742S Boccaccio's Decameron
ITALIAN 743 What Machiavelli Really Says
ITALIAN 791 Special Readings