Language Studies: Spanish

Welcome to the Spanish Language Program at Duke! We are very excited to welcome you aboard as you start or continue your journey in Spanish language studies. As you know, Duke requires all students to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language at the intermediate or advanced level. Courses suitable for meeting this requirement are designated with an FL (Foreign Language) curriculum code. Students should be aware of the course sequence at Duke to fulfill the Language Requirement. Once you start a course sequence, the sequence must be followed. There is no "skipping" of courses. 

The Spanish Language Program (SLP) at Duke University has designed courses to develop all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The SLP adopts a student-centered, content-based approach. Our main goal is to stimulate students’ curiosity and build knowledge about the Spanish language and its many cultures in an explorative and expansive way. Real-world communication involves multiple skills, so students in our classes work on comprehending, manipulating, producing, and interacting in Spanish using a variety of linguistic resources. Language acquisition is a collaborative endeavor, and students in our courses engage in problem solving as they interact with topics in a collaborative way (searching for relevant information and using that information for a specific purpose, establishing and cultivating relationships, and discussing topics with peers). The SLP classroom becomes a community where students develop the 21st century skills of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication. 

To learn more about the requirements and offerings from the Spanish Language Program, visit the links below.

Fulfilling Language Requirements
Spanish Placement
Tutoring and Conversation Hours
Transfer Credit
Global Education

Fulfilling Language Requirements

Courses suitable for meeting this requirement are designated with an FL (Foreign Language) curriculum code. Here are some examples of course sequencing to fulfill the FL. Students should be aware of the course sequence at Duke to fulfill the Language Requirement. Once you start a course sequence, the sequence must be followed. There is no "skipping" of courses.

Here are some possible course sequences for fulfilling the FL:

  • Spanish 101 + 102 + 203
  • Spanish 102 + 203 + 204 (or 205, 209)
  • Spanish 111 + 203
  • Spanish 112 + 203 +204
  • Spanish 211 + 300-level
  • Spanish 203 + 204 (or 205, 209) + 300 level
  • Spanish 204 + 300-level
  • Spanish 205 + 300-level
  • Spanish 209 + 300-level

If starting or continuing your Spanish studies at the 300-level, speak to your professor, advisor or to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Romance Studies) for course recommendations.

Here are examples of course sequences that include Study Abroad to fulfill the Language Requirement:

  • Spanish 140A (Duke in Alicante) + Spanish 203
  • Spanish 102 + Spanish 240A (Duke in Alicante)
  • Spanish 240A (Duke in Alicante) + 300-level
  • Spanish 203 + Spanish 314A (Duke in Madrid-intermediate) 
  • Spanish 204 + Spanish 306A (Duke in Costa Rica)

Spanish Placement

The course description and placement guidelines that follow should help you choose the proper gateway course given your background. If you have taken an AP Language or Literature or IB (HL or SL) test, you should use that score as your guide for selecting a course. Eligibility for Spanish 101 and Spanish 111 depends on the number of years of Spanish in High School. Normally, three years of HS Spanish (or more) place students above 101 or 111.



If after reading the self-placement guide you are still unsure of the best course for you, check the Duke Simple Syllabus site and look at past course syllabi to see what content is covered in our Spanish courses, or send an e-mail to Include all of the following information in your email.

  • Which Spanish classes you took in high school or what is your background with the language
  • Strength of academic program: if teachers and peers spoke in Spanish; if classes were online or met in person; overall rigor of previous classes
  • AP, IB or other Spanish language test scores (if applicable)
  • Experience with speaking the language (presentations, conversations, etc.)
  • Experience with Spanish outside the classroom (trips, volunteer work, work environment, family, friendships, etc.)
  • Types of readings (paragraphs, short stories, blogs, essays, novels, etc.)
  • Genres and lengths of texts that you wrote (paragraphs, expository essay, argumentative essay, narration, creative writing, etc.)
  • Verb tenses seen
  • Objectives for taking Spanish: to fulfill the FL; to work towards a Spanish minor or major; preparation for study abroad or Duke Engage; for personal/professional reasons

The SLP reserves the right to alter registration for students who do not follow departmental advice regarding placement. 

If you have this background and/or test scores: You should take this course:
  • You have two years (or less) of high school Spanish. ATTENTION: If you have 3 (or more) years of high school Spanish, you MUST enroll in Spanish 112, Spanish 102, or above
  • You did not read any texts in Spanish
Spanish 101: Elementary Spanish introduces the basic elements of the language and includes exposure to aspects of Spanish-speaking cultures. Aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills receive equal attention. This course meets 4 times a week. It covers present tense, present perfect, present progressive and the morphology (forms) of the preterit past tense. It introduces students to Spanish-speaking cultures through readings, audio texts and other materials. 
  • You studied 2-3 years of high school Spanish
  • Your level of Spanish falls between Spanish 101 and Spanish 102
Spanish 112: This is a Spanish 102 course that includes a review of some material from Spanish 101. It is designed for students with 2-3 years of high school Spanish whose level of Spanish places them somewhere between Spanish 101 and 102. We review concepts from Spanish 101 at the beginning of the semester before moving on to Spanish 102.
  • You have completed more than two years of high school Spanish
  • You have successfully completed Spanish 101 or its equivalent at the university level
  • You have an IB (SL or HL) score of 4 or 5
  • You have covered material pertaining to Spanish 101
Spanish 102: This course builds on the elements of the language acquired in Elementary Spanish 101. It covers the past tenses (preterit and imperfect), past progressive, the future tense, commands, and an introduction to the present subjunctive. This course exposes students to Spanish-speaking cultures through readings, audio texts, and other authentic materials. 
  • You have never studied Spanish
  • You have maximum of one year of high school Spanish
  • You have very little contact with a Spanish-speaking environment
Spanish 111: This intensive elementary course meets 8 hours a week and is worth two FL credits. It covers the basic elementary language curriculum (Spanish 101 and 102) in one semester, targeted to students with none or very little experience in Spanish. Duke in Alicante (summer program) offers an immersion experience to complete Spanish 101 and Spanish 102.
If you have this background and/or test scores: You should take this course:
  • You have  completed Spanish 102, 111, 112, or 140A
  • You have an AP 3 (Spanish language or literature exam)
  • You have an IB (SL or HL) score of 5 or 6
  • You have studied Spanish for at least 2 years in high school and have covered material pertaining to Spanish 102
  • You are looking to earn two FL credits in one semester
Spanish 211: This intensive intermediate course meets 5 hours a week and is worth two FL credits. It covers the intermediate language curriculum (Spanish 203 and 204) in one semester. Duke in Alicante (summer program) offers an immersion experience to complete this course, SP240A.
  • You have  completed Spanish 102
  • You have an AP 3 (Spanish language or literature exam)
  • You have an IB (SL or HL) score of 5 or 6
  • You have studied Spanish for at least 2 years in high school and have covered material pertaining to Spanish 102
  • If you are a heritage Spanish speaker at the intermediate level, consider taking Spanish 209 or 305. If you are unsure of your level, send an email to Professor Munné at

Spanish 203: Spanish 203 is a third-semester Spanish course for students who have completed Spanish 102 or its equivalent. The course includes a complete review of elementary grammar (everything covered in Spanish 101 and 102), past subjunctive, pluperfect tenses, application of reading strategies to progressively longer authentic texts, and regular speaking practice. There is a continued development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with attention to expanding the range and complexity of grammar usage and vocabulary through exposure to Spanish-speaking cultures. Reading assignments at the end of the course are equivalent to a 100-150-page novel (not adapted for classroom use). Keep in mind that the Duke in Alicante summer Program offers an intensive immersion experience to complete Spanish 203 and 204.

  • You have completed Spanish 203
  • You have an AP 4 on the Spanish language exam
  • You have an IB (SL or HL) of 6 or 7
  • You have studied Spanish for at least 2 years in high school and have covered material pertaining to Spanish 203
Spanish 204: This is a fourth-semester Spanish course for students who have successfully completed Spanish 203 or its equivalent. Spanish 204 includes a complete review of intermediate-level grammar, expansion of pronominal constructions, discourse connectors, and a range of conversational strategies. There is a further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. With an emphasis on various writing tasks, students expand their range and sophistication of grammar usage and vocabulary and exposure to Spanish-speaking cultures. Students build comprehension and produce texts of greater extension and complexity. This course prepares students for 300-level Spanish courses through literary texts and other media (film, news, short essays, cartoons, etc.). Reading assignments at the end of the course are equivalent to a 150-200-page novel (not adapted for classroom use). Duke in Madrid (Intermediate track) offers 204 and 303 combined for two credits. 
  • You have completed Spanish 203
  • You have an AP 4 on the Spanish language exam
  • You have an IB (SL or HL) of 6 or 7
  • You have studied Spanish for at least 2 years in high school and have covered material pertaining to Spanish 203
Spanish 205: This is the same course as Spanish 204 (see above) but includes a 15-20 hour commitment to Service-Learning over the semester.
  • You grew up speaking Spanish at home but were educated in English. If you are unsure of your level or if you should take 305 instead, send an email to Professor Joan Munné at
Spanish 209: Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Learners. This course aims to reconnect heritage Spanish learners with their linguistic and cultural heritage to further them through meaningful experiences. Activities in this course empower heritage learners to apply their bilingual/bicultural knowledge in academic and professional settings. Students have the opportunity to a) discuss topics relevant to their interests, use presentational skills to write and talk about them b) conduct sociolinguistic research, develop critical and integrative thinking skills in Spanish, and c) gain skills required to work professionally in a Spanish-speaking environment. Instructor consent required. Contact Professor Joan Munné for more information.
If you have this background and/or test scores:You should take this course:
  • You have completed Spanish 204 or its equivalent
  • You have an AP 4 or AP 5 in Spanish literature
  • You have an AP 5 in Spanish language
  • You have an IB (SL or HL) of 7
  • If you grew up bilingual at home (Spanish/English) consider taking SP305, 306, or SP309S

Spanish 301: Advanced Spanish Writing This course develops students’ academic writing skills in Spanish, focusing on techniques for identifying a topic, conducting research, organizing information to appeal to readers, drafting, revising, and editing. Students improve grammatical and lexical variety and accuracy in their writing in Spanish. Peer feedback and group work are key activities in the course. Products include a summary, an analysis written collaboratively, and a 6-8 page research paper and presentation. This course is strongly recommended before enrolling in Spanish 331S and higher courses.

Spanish 302: Advanced Spanish Grammar This course fosters students' reflection on Spanish grammar and consolidates students' knowledge of the system of rules underlying the Spanish language. Special attention is given to grammar in oral and written communication.

Spanish 303: Introduction to Cultural Studies Introduction to ideologies and political debates that shape the cultural configuration of Hispanic communities both within and outside the US Borders. The main goal is to explore and examine critically how particular discourses (within different genres and media) relate to politics, art, culture, and society. Articles, literary texts, films, web sites, etc. will serve as resources. As students engage with cultural studies, it is expected that they achieve discursive complexity and linguistic accuracy through vocabulary development, group and individual presentations, video recordings, writing projects and debates. Each section of this course features a special topic chosen by the professor.

Spanish 305: Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners This course is for heritage or bilingual Spanish learners who grew up speaking Spanish at home, but have been educated almost exclusively in English. Together we will explore, reflect, and express opinions about topics that affect the diverse Latino communities in the United States such as identity, bilingual education, immigration, health and human rights issues. Through reading current news and literary works, and listening and watching audiovisual media, students will develop the ability to read and write in Spanish in formal contexts, and also comprehend and compare the diversity and commonality of their Hispanic heritage. Instructor consent required. Contact Professor Joan Munné for more information.                        

Spanish 306: Health, Culture and the Latino Community Issues Exploration of health issues in the Spanish-speaking world shaped by social, cultural, political, ethnic, and economic determinants. Topics: cultural competency, community beliefs, medical practices and policies, preventive medicine, mental health. This is a service-learning or community-engaged course. Engagement may include direct, project-based, or research-focused service with local/global community partners among other engaged practices. Evaluation on knowledge of content, oral and written proficiency in Spanish. One 300-level Spanish course recommended prior to enrolling.

Spanish 307S: Issues of Education and Immigration Community-based interaction with Durham Public Schools. Topics: Latino/a/x identities, educational pathways for Spanish-speakers in our community, relevant public policy and legislation, and social action. Required 20 hours outside of class with assigned community partners. Assessment on knowledge of content, oral and written Spanish, and participation in service. One 300-level Spanish course recommended prior to enrolling.

Spanish 308S: Latinx Voices in Duke, Durham, and Beyond Construction of Latinx identity(ies) and formation of community voices through the lens of cultural, political, and social issues at local and national level. Assessment on knowledge of content, oral and written Spanish. Includes Service-Learning component. One 300-level Spanish course recommended prior to enrolling.

Spanish 309S: Spanish in the U.S. Focus on linguistic development and current presence of Spanish in the United States. Students will develop linguistic and critical awareness about the relationship between Spanish language and society, with special emphasis on topics such as language variety, language contact from a social, political and educational perspective, types of bilingualism, sociolinguistic issues, migration patterns and settlements, etc. Readings in English and in Spanish with class discussion in Spanish. Spanish 209 or previous 300-level Spanish work strongly recommended, or bilingual or nearly bilingual proficiency in Spanish). Contact Professor Joan Munné for more information.

Spanish 310: Translating Spanish-English and English-Spanish. Students will explore key ethical concerns related to translation and interpretation, negotiate translation of cultural references, learn about concepts such as localization and internationalization, and give each other feedback on translation drafts and editing. Products created individually or in collaboration include ads, comics, poems, newspaper articles, subtitling and dubbing for film clips, a community project, and reflections on the translation process. Prerequisite: 300-level Spanish course or equivalent, with advanced proficiency in Spanish. Consent of instructor is required. Contact Professors Munné ( or Simmermeyer ( for more information.

Spanish 313: Bridging Cultures - Latino Lives and Experiences in NC Exploration of key issues surrounding Latino communities in Durham and beyond, focusing on issues of culture and immigration, health, education, and the economy. Course includes a minimum of 15 hours of Service-Learning with a local organization, plus other out-of-class and weekend community trips. Projects promote the development of intercultural competence, as well as facilitate opportunities for building bridges with the local community. Assessment based on knowledge of content, oral and written Spanish, and community engagement One 300-level Spanish course recommended prior to enrolling.

See the 'Courses' tab near the top of the page for a full listing of Spanish courses beyond those mentioned above.


The Spanish Language Program offers events and groups to learn and practice their skills.

Mesa en español is a Spanish language group that meets every Tuesday 5:30-6:30 pm on West Campus (Languages Building 114, next to the Perk). It is open to all Duke students at all levels of proficiency. All are welcome to come and join in the casual conversation with games and pizza in a relaxed setting that encourages interaction and discovery. Come practice your Spanish among friends!

Check for updates and more information at this link.

Questions or comments? Please contact the Spanish Cultural Advisor: Ana Fernández, Ph.D.  (

Follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.eom/mesa.enespanol.5/ 


Ana Fernández, Ph.D.

Tutoring & Conversation Hours

Schedule Spring 2025

SLP Tutoring and Conversation Hours Weekly Calendar Spring 2025
No tutoring during Spring Break.

To schedule a 30-minute Zoom appointment, (or to cancel your appointment), click on the Scheduler. Your confirmation email will contain the Zoom link of your tutor. 

SLP Tutoring and Conversation Hours Weekly Calendar Spring 2025

January 21 - April22
No tutoring during Spring Break




Eileen Anderson

1 – 3 pm

Harry Karahalios

1-3 pm

Leonardo Bacarreza

3:30-4:30 pm

Ashley Hobson
3 - 4:30 pm

Ana Fernández

1-3 pm & 4:30-6pm

Harry Karahalios

1-2:30 pm

Ashley Hobson

3:00-3:30 pm


Celia Pérez-Ventura

4-5:30 pm

Celia Pérez-Ventura

4-6 pm

Leonardo Bacarreza

5- 6 pm

Ashley Hobson

3-4:30 pm

Mar Gutiérrez

3-6:30 pm

Stephanie Contreras

5:30-7:00 pm

Stephanie Contreras




To schedule or to cancel your appointment, click on the Scheduler

Students currently enrolled in Spanish Language Program (SLP) courses at Duke University have several options for receiving out-of-class language assistance:

  1. Currently enrolled Spanish students may visit their Instructors during student hours to review material and receive individualized explanations. Student hours are listed on your Sakai site.
  2. All students studying Spanish are invited to contact and schedule an online Zoom appointment with the instructors listed below, who teach in the Spanish Language Program (30 minutes per day; up to 90 minutes per week). You may schedule regular sessions with the same instructor, or on a need-be basis. 
  3. These sessions can be used to practice speaking or be used to go over any material for your class. It is a good practice to meet with someone other than your instructor for these sessions. The tutor is not allowed to “line-edit” your work.
  4. Tutoring & Conversation hours is a free service. See the above schedule to make an appointment.
  5. Students may consult the Academic Resource Center. This is a free service. They offer group tutorials for Spanish 100, 200 and 300-level courses.
  6. All Duke students are warmly invited to participate in the Mesa en español, an SLP-sponsored initiative for students who want to attend and/or engage with cultural and linguistic events related to the perspectives, practices, and products of cultures around the Spanish-speaking world. Your instructor has more information about this, and there is a link on your Canvas page as well.

Transfer Credit

Transferring a language course to Duke from another institution may involved up to three separate steps:

  1. Obtaining course credit which counts towards fulfilling the 34 courses required for graduation,
  2. Obtaining Mode of Inquiry FL (Foreign Language) coding which counts towards fulfilling your language requirement, and
  3. Determining the next language course you need to take at Duke to fulfill your language requirement (if it is not completed by the transfer course).

NOTE: Obtaining Spanish 100 or Spanish 300 credit toward the 34 courses required for graduation does not automatically mean the course will also receive the Mode of Inquiry FL code. Likewise, obtaining a Mode of Inquiry FL code for a transfer course does not automatically mean that you will be prepared to successfully complete a Spanish course at Duke at a higher level.

1. Prior to taking the transfer course:

a. Familiarize yourself with the procedures for transferring a course for credit given on the Trinity Requirements web site. If you intend to request a FL coding for the transfer course in Spanish, also familiarize yourself with the requirements given in parts 2 and 3 below.

b. In order to transfer to Duke and count as one course credit toward your graduation, the first requirement is that the Spanish course must not have fewer contact hours than the equivalent course taught on campus at Duke. A Duke language course contact hour is no less than 50 minutes.

  • Minimum required contact hours:
  • Spanish 101: 70
  • Spanish 102: 70
  • Spanish 111: 112
  • Spanish 203: 42
  • Spanish 204: 42
  • Spanish 300 and above: 42

c. In addition to fulfilling the contact hour requirement, Spanish courses that are to be transferred for elective credit must meet the following specific minimum requirements:

  • All coursework and class discussion in Spanish, unless seeking course equivalency for the course in translation.
  • Substantive linguistic and cultural content.
  • Class size must not exceed 20 students.

NOTE: Student with three years or more of High School Spanish must not request transfer credit for Spanish 101. Student with more than 1 year of High School Spanish must not request transfer credit for Spanish 111.

d. Obtain a copy of the course description and any other documentation needed to show that the transfer course meets these minimum requirements.

e. Download the Transfer Course Approval Form from the T-Reqs web site and fill out the top of the form. Bring the form, the calculation for part b, and the documentation for part c to the Program Coordinator in Romance Studies, Nancy Cruz ( If approved, the course will be listed on the form as an elective course in Spanish. (Spanish 100 will be used to designate an elective course at the introductory or intermediate level and Spanish 300 will be used to designate an elective course at the advanced level.)

f. Take the signed form and documentation to the office of your academic dean for final approval. Upon approval, the dean will send the form to the Registrar.

2. While taking the transfer course:

If you may later want to request that the transfer course count toward fulfilling your Duke language requirement, you should save all the course materials such as the syllabus, textbooks, papers written, quizzes, exams, etc.

3. After taking the transfer course:

a. Assuming satisfactory completion of the course with a grade of C- or better, request that the Registrar of the institution you attended send a copy of your transcript to the Registrar of Duke University, Box 90054, Durham, NC, 27708. Upon receipt of your dean's approval and the transcript showing successful completion of the course, the Registrar will add the transfer course to your Duke transcript as Spanish 100 or Spanish 300.

b. If you want the transfer course to count toward fulfilling your Duke language requirement, you must request that the transfer course be granted the foreign language Mode of Inquiry code, FL.

  • See part c, below, for requirements for FL Mode of Inquiry credit for an elementary or intermediate Spanish course.
  • See part d, below, for requirement for FL Mode of Inquiry credit for an advanced level Spanish course (Spanish 301 or higher).

c. For a course that was approved for transfer to Duke by the DUS in Romance Studies and your academic dean with a course number of Spanish 100, the requirement for obtaining a FL code is that the transfer course must be equivalent to the corresponding Duke language course. The requirements for establishing equivalency are given below.

General requirements:

  1. Language Modalities: Speaking, writing, listening, reading, culture.
  2. Teaching Methodology: Communicative, content based approach; language use in context; use of authentic materials; use of audio and video for development of listening comprehension; regular assignments that focus on writing as a process. Cultural component integrated into teaching and assessment practices.
  3. Writing component: At least 2 formal compositions in Spanish 101, 102, 203 and 204. All composition assignments must include at least one revision stage. Length of compositions for Spanish 101 should be one page, for Spanish 102 is 1 page and 1 page and a half; Spanish 203 and Spanish 204 is 2 pages. In addition to the formal compositions, the course should include at least 4 informal writing assignments such as electronic forum, journals, etc. Emphasis on developing competency in diverse registers and text types.
  4. Evaluation: For Spanish 101-204, student should be evaluated on all language modalities: two major tests, one midterm, and comprehensive final exam; 2 oral exams.
  5. Reading: Student should be exposed to extensive reading. Adapted reading for Spanish 101, 102, and 111; original readings for Spanish 203, 204.
  6. Class size must not exceed 20 students.

Course-specific requirements:

  1. Spanish 101 must cover at least half of traditional elementary textbook (including present and past tenses, direct and indirect object pronouns).
  2. Spanish 102 must complete the study of a traditional elementary textbook (including future tenses, conditional and subjunctive moods, conjunctions, prepositions, relative pronouns).
  3. Spanish 111 must include everything covered in Spanish 101 and 102 (above)
  4. Spanish 203 must include a complete review of elementary grammar (everything covered in Spanish 101 and 102), application of reading strategies to progressively longer authentic texts, and regular speaking practice. Reading assignments at end of course must be equivalent to a 100-150 page novel (not adapted for classroom use).
  5. Spanish 204 must include a complete review of basic intermediate level grammar, discussion of a diversity of literary texts and other media (film, news, short essays, cartoons, etc.). Reading assignments at end of course must be equivalent to a 150-200 page novel (not adapted for classroom use).

d. For a course that was approved for transfer to Duke by the DUS of Romance Studies and your academic dean with a course number of Spanish 300, the requirements for obtaining a FL code are given below:

  • Reading: Student in literature or culture course should be exposed to extensive reading of original (rather than adapted) texts.
  • Spanish 301 must include extensive work in advanced Spanish grammar and some stylistics. Emphasis on developing competency in diverse registers and text types through process writing. Daily writing assignments, two exams on grammar and reading topics, five compositions and a final 6-7 page paper.
  • Spanish 302 must include a study in depth of Spanish morphology and syntax. Emphasis should be given to the reflection of grammar usage in real contexts. Evaluation in this course should include at least three 3- 4 page papers on a grammar issue.
  • Spanish 303 must include extensive work in oral production. Emphasis on developing oral competency in diverse registers. Daily oral assignments, and one major presentation on a socio-cultural or socio-political aspect of any Spanish speaking country.

In addition the minimum number of contact hours, transfer course syllabus, type and amount of required work, and evaluation methods must be equivalent to those of specific Duke Spanish course for which student is seeking credit.

e. If the transfer course fulfills the requirements for the FL code given in part c or d above, download the Form for Requesting Modes of Inquiry Coding from the T-Reqs web site. Complete the form and submit it with the necessary documentation as directed on that form.

f. If the transfer course is granted a Mode of Inquiry FL code, the FL code will be added to the course on your Duke Advisement Report. (Note: Modes of Inquiry designations do not appear your transcript.)

g. A course that was approved as Spanish 300 (999) will be left unchanged on your Duke transcript; however, a course that was approved for transfer as Spanish 100 (888) will be changed on your Duke transcript to its equivalent Duke course number which means that you cannot repeat/take the equivalent Duke course to earn an additional letter grade, course credit, or FL code.

4. After receiving a Mode of Inquiry FL code for a transfer course:

a. If the FL code fulfills your language requirement in Spanish at Duke, then no further action is necessary.

b. If the FL code is not the last one you need in order to complete your language requirement in Spanish at Duke, contact the Director of the Spanish Language Program, Lisa Merschel ( to schedule a placement interview. The interview will be used to determine your preparedness for the next course in the Spanish Language Program sequence.

Global Education

Students are encouraged to participate in global education options for Spanish credit.

Several programs offered through the Duke University Global Education Office for Undergraduates are jointly administered by the Department of Romance Studies, have faculty and staff participants in the programs, or involve a substantial Spanish language component. Please see the Global Education links below for the following programs:

There are also many other global education programs available that are administered by other organizations. See the Global Education Office website.

DukeEngage provides one-time funding for Duke undergraduates who wish to pursue an immersive (minimum of eight weeks) service experience by meeting a community need locally, domestically or internationally. The program currently features multiple international programs in Spanish-speaking countries:

Duke Service-Learning

Art project class
Art project with Latino elementary students

Within the language programs in Romance Studies there are multiple opportunities for engagement in the community, the best venue for acquiring real-world linguistic and cultural knowledge. Student interaction with language communities provides occasions for developing civic engagement, cultural competence, political activism, and awareness of issues of social justice.

"Through my service experience, I have seen evidence of the themes that we have discussed in class and for me, it was a pretty heavy experience to see the topics from our readings and conversations in class occurring so close by in real life." (Spanish 307S)

small kids with student
Childcare during adult English class

Currently there are service-learning courses offered in French and Spanish. These courses require a commitment of 15-20 hours of service in the community in addition to traditional class contact hours.

“I’ve become very close with the family that I was assigned,” said Madeline Thornton, a junior majoring in French and global health. “Since I’m in the area this summer, I’ve been stopping by their home to read books with the children in order to keep up their English skills while they’re out of school. I’m grateful for Dr. Reisinger and the service learning program for connecting me with some life-long friends.” (French 270T)

four refugees
Refugees getting to know campus

Duke students interact with the community in many ways, such as getting to know community members during class visits and departmental events, visiting businesses in Durham, participating in international video conversations, and working alongside community members in service-learning courses. Some examples of service projects are working with refugees from Central Africa, organizing art activities for Latino/a elementary school students, and tutoring Latino/a adults in English.

"This course has been one of the most rewarding courses I have taken at Duke. I absolutely loved the component of interacting via Skype or meetings with different health organizations in Latin America. It was inspiring to talk to leaders who are actively working in an area many of us aspire to work in. A lot of time our goals feel like unattainable dreams but this course made them seem really real." (Spanish 306) 

students at potluck dinner
A potluck dinner between the English students and tutors

"Learning about [my partner's] personal experience has provided me with a more complete understanding of the roadblocks, whether fiscal, social, logistical or otherwise, to adapting to life in America as a refugee," said James Johnson, a senior majoring in biology with minors in chemistry and French." (French 325S)

See how Duke language programs participate in the Community-Based Language Initiative here