Select from the following menus to filter the table. Course Type - Any -DiscussionField StudiesIndependent StudyLaboratoryLecturePreceptorialSeminarTutorial Typically Offered - Any -Fall and/or SpringFall OnlyOccasionallySpring Only Apply Number Title Codes FRENCH 89S First-Year Seminar FRENCH 89S-1 First-Year Seminar in French FL FRENCH 101 Elementary French 1 FL FRENCH 102 Elementary French 2 FL FRENCH 111 Intensive Elementary French FL FRENCH 112 Accelerated Elementary French FL FRENCH 190FS Focus Topics in French Literature and Culture FRENCH 203 Intermediate French Language and Culture FL, CZ FRENCH 204 Advanced Intermediate French Language and Culture FL, CZ FRENCH 204A Advanced Intermediate French Language and Culture: Culture and Sustainability in Tunisia FL, CZ FRENCH 204S-1 Terre, Savoir, Être (Advanced Intermediate French Language & Culture) CCI, FL, CZ FRENCH 212A Intensive Intermediate French Language and Culture FL, CZ FRENCH 235T Voices in Music: French ALP FRENCH 270T-3 Voices in Global Health: French Tutorial FRENCH 272T Voices in the Environment: French FRENCH 273T Voices in Public Policy: French Tutorial FRENCH 275T-2 Voices in Marketing: Advertising in French FRENCH 290A Duke Administered Study Abroad: Topics in French Studies FRENCH 301S Finding Your Voice in French: The Power of Writing CCI, FL, W FRENCH 302S Cultural and Literary Perspectives CCI, FL, W FRENCH 303S French for Current Affairs CCI, FL FRENCH 304S French Composition and Translation CCI, FL, W FRENCH 305S Advanced French Grammar FL, ALP FRENCH 306S Reading Literature in French CCI, FL, W, ALP FRENCH 307S French Phonetics FL FRENCH 308S Manger: Foodways and Food Systems CCI, FL, W, CZ FRENCH 308SA Manger: Food and Food Systems in the French-Speaking World CCI, FL, W, CZ FRENCH 313S Explorations in French CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 315A Travailler pour vivre: A practicum in French CCI, FL, CZ FRENCH 316S Global Humanities in French CCI, FL, W, ALP, CZ FRENCH 321S Working in French: S'engager dans le monde francophone CCI, FL FRENCH 325S Global Displacement: Voix Francophones CCI, EI, FL, CZ, SS FRENCH 327S French Studies Seminar CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 331S Francophone Literature CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 332S Short Stories for Long Lives CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 335 Free Speech: Francophone World-USA CCI, EI, FL, ALP, CZ FRENCH 339S The Pleasure of Reading CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 343A Advanced Expression CCI, FL FRENCH 345A Aspects of Contemporary French Culture CCI, FL, CZ FRENCH 346AS Aspects of French Literature CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 352A From Enlightenment Culture to Popular Culture CCI, FL, SS FRENCH 353A History of Psychology in France and Europe FL, SS FRENCH 366S Versailles and the Arts FL, R, W, ALP, CZ FRENCH 367S Soundscapes of Migration: Music and Migration in Paris from the Interwar Years to the Present CCI, FL, R, ALP FRENCH 371S Haiti to New Orleans: 19th Century Literary Migrations CCI, FL, R, CZ FRENCH 375S Love, Sex, Madness in Caribbean Fiction and Film FL, ALP FRENCH 390 Topics in French Literature and Culture FL FRENCH 390A Topics in French Literature and Culture FRENCH 390A-1 Topics in French and/or Francophone Culture Abroad FRENCH 390S Topics in French Literature and Culture FL FRENCH 390SA Duke-Administered Study Abroad Seminar: Topics in French Literature and Culture FRENCH 391 Independent Study FRENCH 393 Research Independent Study R FRENCH 394 Research Independent Study R FRENCH 410S Contemporary French Fiction CCI, FL, W, ALP FRENCH 411 Biography, Life Writing, Autofiction CCI, FL, R, ALP, CZ FRENCH 412D Black (In) Translation CCI, ALP, CZ FRENCH 416A Modern and Contemporary Art in France CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 425S Surrealism: Aesthetics and Politics FL, R, ALP FRENCH 426S France-Asia: Cultural Transfers and Translations in a Globalized Context CCI, FL, W, ALP, CZ FRENCH 427S Banlieues and Peripheries in French Contemporary Literature and Cinema CCI, FL, W, ALP, CZ FRENCH 428S Reading Contemporary Literature in French for the 'Choix Goncourt' Prize FL, W, ALP, CZ FRENCH 429 Imagining Europe: Arts, Culture, Politics CCI, ALP, CZ FRENCH 429P Imagining Europe: Arts, Culture, Politics Preceptorial FRENCH 430 Music History and Politics in Contemporary Africa CCI, CZ, SS FRENCH 430P Music History and Politics in Contemporary Africa Preceptorial FRENCH 431 Anthropologie Economique CCI, FL, SS FRENCH 432S Francophone African Literature CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 481 Flaubert's Brain: Neurohumanities CCI, STS, ALP FRENCH 481P Flaubert's Brain: Neurohumanities Preceptorial FRENCH 482S Strange Masterpieces: Major Authors in French and Francophone Modernity CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 489S Screening Europe CCI, ALP, CZ FRENCH 489SP Screening Europe Preceptorial FRENCH 490-1 Topics in Literature and Neuroscience FRENCH 490A Advanced Topics in French and/or Francophone Literature/Culture Abroad FRENCH 490S Special Topics in French Literature FL FRENCH 493 Research Independent Study R FRENCH 494 Research Independent Study R FRENCH 495 Honors Thesis R FRENCH 505P When Fiction Meets History FL FRENCH 505S When Fiction Meets History CCI, FL, R, ALP FRENCH 507S Mimesis in Theory, Embodied Practice, and Literary Arts CCI, FL, ALP, CZ FRENCH 510 Citizen Godard CCI, W, ALP FRENCH 510P Citizen Godard Preceptorial FRENCH 515S African and Caribbean Philosophy in French CCI, FL, ALP, CZ FRENCH 530S Premodern Times: A User's Manual CCI, ALP FRENCH 530SP Premodern Times Preceptorial FRENCH 557 Cultural Memory CCI, R, W, ALP FRENCH 557P Cultural Memory Preceptorial FRENCH 570S Philosophy in Motion: Corporeality, Gesture, and Movement in Modern Thought CCI, R, W, ALP FRENCH 570SP Philosophy in Motion: Corporeality and Movement in Modern Thought Preceptorial FRENCH 571S Introduction to Contemporary African Philosophy CCI, FL, ALP FRENCH 590 Special Topics in French Literature FRENCH 590S Seminar in French Literature FRENCH 611 Biography, Life Writing, Autofiction CCI, FL, R, ALP, CZ FRENCH 682S Simone de Beauvoir EI, ALP, CZ FRENCH 690-2 Topics in French Literature of the Modern Era FRENCH 690S-2 Topics in French Literature of the Modern Era FRENCH 713 French and Francophone Literature FRENCH 715 Cultural Memory FRENCH 716 France & Africa: A Case Study of Postcolonial Culture FRENCH 717S Banlieues, Margins and Peripheries in French Contemporary Literature, Cinema, and Theory FRENCH 718S Reading Contemporary Literature in French for the 'Choix Goncourt' Prize FRENCH 790-3 Topics in Modern/Contemporary French Literature FRENCH 790P French Theory and Literature Special Topics FRENCH 790S Topics in French Studies FRENCH 791 Special Readings