Poéticas de aquí y de allá / Thinking Language: Poetics from Here and There


An overview of current Spanish and Transatlantic poetry, with special attention to poetics (i.e. how poetry thinks the world while it thinks itself). Following critical interventions of authors like Gertrude Stein or Octavio Paz, and poems and reflections of contemporary authors like Antonio Gamoneda, Olvido García Valdés, or Eduardo Milán, course considers theoretical issues such as subjectivity, poetry's relation to thought, its formal, or the question about reality. Also explores the possibilities of language to serve as a powerful tool of resistance and memory. Students will have the opportunity to meet and converse with some of these poets. Offered through Duke in Madrid program.
Curriculum Codes
  • FL
  • ALP
Cross-Listed As
  • LIT 420A
Typically Offered
Fall Only