When Fiction Meets History


Investigation of key concepts along the fact/fiction & literature/history borders. Debate of their changing meanings, functions, and social significance in Francophone contexts during variety of periods, when fiction represents experimental thinking, and literature involves writing technologies. Focus on several topics: Cosmography or the Idea of the Universe, Human Passions or Love vs. Hatred, Human Relations: Dependence & Independence. Major writers/artists include Christine de Pizan, Héloïse, Abélard, Rousseau, Alain Chartier, Memmi, La Boétie, Sarraute. Work culminating in research or creative projects. Taught in English, with French preceptorial.
Curriculum Codes
  • CCI
  • FL
  • R
  • ALP
Cross-Listed As
  • FRENCH 505S
  • HISTORY 505S
Typically Offered
Fall and/or Spring