Born in Spain, where he completed his undergraduate education. He received his M.A. in Greek and Latin (1969) and his PhD in Spanish (1971) from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. His doctoral dissertation dealt with the classical heritage and its influence on the Marqués de Santillana. He has written numerous articles of philological and literary interest on the Marqués de Santillana, the Cantar de Mio Cid, La Celestina, and the romance. His major works include Mio Cid: estudios de endocrítica (1975), El Burgos de Mio Cid (1982)--both of which were awarded literary prizes--and Calisto: Soñador y altanero (1994). He has published two critical editions: Cantar de Mio Cid (1977) and Proemio y cartas literarias del Marqués de Santillana (1984). He is presently working on the application of computer-generated analytical data to solving linguistic and literary problems, as in his two books Tres autores en "ALa Celestina": Aplicación de la informática a los estudios literarios (Granada: Impredisur, 1993) and Dos autores en "Amio Cid": Aplicación de la informática (Caceres: Ed. U. Extremadura, 1993). In his teaching he concentrates on the relationship between literature and the rise of bourgeois values in twelfth-century Castille (Mio Cid). His latest book (Calisto: soñador y altanero) studies literary dreams and the concern over the crisis of courtly love and the excesses of love-passion in fifteenth-century Spain. For several years he has been developing a web site, CIBERTEXTOS, a collection of interactive editions of important works of Spanish literature of all periods.