Multilingual Writing Center

The Multilingual Writing Center at Duke University is a resource within the Romance Studies Department that assists advanced students (from level 327 and above) in French, Italian, and Spanish with all areas of foreign language writing. Students are encouraged to visit the MWC at any stage of their writing process; from brainstorming ideas for their essays, to outlining a structure, organizing and developing their arguments, and proposing strategies for final revisions. Our tutors are neither editors nor graders; rather, they are attentive interlocutors whose goal is to facilitate a conversation about students’ work and their writing and thinking goals. We see the writing process both as a crucial element of critical thinking and as an essential asset in promoting interlinguistic and intercultural competencies.

MWC Flyer available for download and distribution here. 

Multilingual Writing Center Policies

  • Consulting sessions last 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Students will provide the following information when they book an appointment: 
    • type of assignment (e.g. reaction paper, blog, short essay)
    • due date
    • goals for the tutoring session
  • Students will provide the tutor with the assignment prompt and a link to the digital document the day of the appointment.
  • Students may schedule up to two appointments each week. 
  • Tutors will not proofread, nor correct grammatical errors line by line. Instead, they will work with students to analyze their work, identify common patterns of errors, and find ways to reduce errors in future drafts or assignments.
  • Students are encouraged to schedule at least one follow-up session.

MWC Sessions/Appointments

Our tutors are graduate students in the department who are trained to provide you with tips and strategies for working through the various challenges that writing in a foreign language poses.

  1. All students are invited to contact and schedule an appointment with the instructors listed below. You will coordinate directly with your tutor about online or in-person location (availability will vary).
  2. Appointments must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.
  3. Students are allowed 30-45 minutes per session/per day and up to two sessions per week.
  4. Students are encouraged to schedule at least one follow up session
  5. The Multilingual Writing Center is a free service. See the below schedule to make an appointment.

Spring 2025 Tutoring Schedule

To schedule or cancel an appointment, use the scheduler below. Your confirmation email will contain details for your session. 

Schedule a MWC session here 

  • French with Chloe Kaczmarek
    • Wednesdays 9:00am-2:00pm
    • Wednesdays 3:00-5:00pm
    • Tuesdays 9:00am-12:00pm
  • French or Italian with Barbara Halla
    • Mondays 9:00-11:30am
    • Tuesdays 1:00-3:30pm
  • Spanish with Anna-Paden Carson
    • Tuesdays 9:00-11:30am
    • Wednesdays 9:00-11:30am
  • Spanish or Portuguese with Lucas da Silva Lopes 
    • Times TBA
  • Spanish or Portuguese with Nicoly Monteiro dos Santos
    • Mondays 8:30am-1:30pm

Available January 8 through April 27. No meetings will take place March 8-16 for Spring Break.