Congratulations to Bethzaida Fernandez for receiving 2024 Alden Award for Excellence in Service-Learning!

picture for faculty Bethzaida Fernandez

Bethzaida Fernandez, senior lecturer of Romance Studies, is a long-time faculty member with Duke Service-Learning and regularly teaches SPANISH 313, Bridging Cultures: Latino Lives and Experiences in NC, and in the Duke in Costa Rica summer study abroad program. Recently, she led a tour of the Durham Green Flea Market for Duke faculty, staff and students as part of the Duke Service-Learning Context & Connections series. In Fall 2023, she was recognized for undergraduate teaching through the Richard K. Lublin Award in the Humanities.

Fernandez works intensively in the community, creating a wide range of experiences for students to explore the community and interact with community members in context. In her course, students visit local Latine businesses, churches, festivals, and even a migrant camp.  They also work with organizations such as the Immaculate Conception Church, Durham Crisis Response Center and Swing Pals.

She is one of the most enthusiastic instructors in the Spanish Language Program at Duke University—and her enthusiasm is infectious. Bethzaida is a master teacher—able to set high academic standards for her students and still encourage them to get out of their comfort zones. She is able to create an inviting and supportive deep dive into culture, language, and community.  – Joan Clifford, Duke Service-Learning, Romance Studies.