Philip Stewart received his PhD from Yale. His study of French narrative has led to the publication of Imitation and Illusion in the French Memoir-Novel, 1700-1750 (1969), Le Masque et la parole: le langage de l'amour au XVIIIe siécle (1973), an edition of Prévost's Cleveland (1977), two books of critical readings entitled Rereadings: Eight Early French Novels (1984) and Half-Told Tales: Dilemmas of Meaning in Three French Novels (1987), and a study of literary illustrations entitled Engraven Desire: Eros, Image, and Text in the French Eighteenth Century (1992). Recent projects include a translation of Rousseau’s Julie and an edition of Claude Crébillon’s Les Heureux Orphelins. Professor Stewart is a former president of the American Association of Teachers of French and a member of the Editorial Board of Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century.