Friday, March 26, 2021
Online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 940 0121 0028 Passcode: 442815)
Click on links in schedule or scroll to tabs below to view presentations!!
3:00 – 3:30 Welcome and Introductory Remarks - Elvira Vilches, Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies
Colonialism, Slavery, and Antisemitism in Pre-Modern Spain
Moderator: Elvira Vilches
Respondents: José María Rodríguez García, Melissa Simmermeyer
Anna Davis & Alex Hoffman - Cultura y cambio: El colonialismo y la esclavitud/Culture and Change: Colonialism and Slavery
Sophie Barry & Sydney Gaviser - Antisemitism and Slavery in Early Modern Spain: An Artistic Analysis
3:30 – 4:00 Language and Equity: Case Studies on Mental Health, Asylum, and Obesity
Moderator: Joan Clifford
Respondents: Luciana Fellin, Liliana Paredes
Katie Tsai - Pour le bien-être psychologique: The Role of U.S. Schools in Improving Refugee Children's Mental Health
Gwyneth Bernier - The Case for Language-Based Genocide as an International Basis of Asylum
Angie Anaeme - Differences, Disparities, and Developments in the Obesity Epidemic Among Hispanic and Native American Communities in Arizona
4:00 – 4:30 Broken Promises: Social Cognition, Public Health, and Mental Illness Past and Present
Moderator: Joan Clifford
Respondents: Deborah, Jenson, Walter Mignolo
Alex Raghunandan - The Comparison of French and English Indo-Caribbean Literary Depictions of Indentured Servitude and its Associated Neurological Implications
Alex Johnson - Hypochondria and Mental Health in Molière’s “Le Malade Imaginaire"
Osmay Pardias - Promesas Rotas: An Overview of Cuba’s Food Distribution Program “La Libreta” and Its Impacts on Health
4:30 – 4:40 BREAK
4:40 – 5:10 Diversifying the Classics: Sex, Love, and Global Asymmetries
Moderator: Martin Eisner
Respondents: Alyssa Granacki, Saskia Ziolkowski
Griffin McDaniel - The Evolution of Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron
Courtney Lee - The Psychology of the Dolce Serena: The Examination of Dante’s Innovative View of Self-Control and Love in Purgatorio
5:10 – 5:40 Love Stories and Courtly Life in the Francophone World
Moderator: Michèle Longino
Respondents: Anne-Gaëlle Saliot, Laura Florand
Sydney Wilkerson - Origins of the Contemporary Feminist Profile: Exploring the Female Archetype in Colette’s Cheri Novels
Dan King - The French Love Story: A Journey Through the Centuries
Marie-Line Lochard - The Royal Ideology and Aesthetics of Monarchy Under Haitian King Henri Christophe
5:40 Closing Remarks – Saskia Ziolkowski, Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies
Anna Davis & Alex Hoffman - Cultura y cambio: El colonialismo y la esclavitud/Culture and Change: Colonialism and Slavery
Sophie Barry & Sydney Gaviser - Antisemitism and Slavery in Early Modern Spain: An Artistic Analysis
Griffin McDaniel - The Evolution of Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron